Oct 13, 2020
Brett Fairbourn is a teacher-turned-marketer, a fat-guy-turned-CrossFitter, and a Mormon-turned-doubter. Brett credits Heidi, his wife of ten years, with inspiring him through these transitions, each of which required time, perseverance, and a heavy dose of brutal honesty. Brett and Heidi live in northern Utah with their two daughters, Afton and Claire. Brett is currently Vice President of Marketing at CrewTracks, a software company that provides field management apps for construction companies. He loves solving problems with technology, wishes he could breathe underwater, enjoys strategic games, and particularly thrives at writing about himself in the third person.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bfair31
Instagram: @bfair31
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bfair31/
Find out more about Brett https://www.crewtracks.com/
Find out more about Brett's offer: https://www.crewtracks.com/preview