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Feb 25, 2020

Charles Gaudet is the author of "The Predictable Profits Playbook," host of The Beyond 7-Figures Podcast, and CEO of Predictable Profits - a leading business coaching company for 7 & 8 figure entrepreneurs.
He’s been an entrepreneur since the age of 4, created his first multi-million dollar business at 24, and has...

Feb 18, 2020

Paul Sokol is one of the leading experts in marketing automation and customer journey design. He also has quite a knack for online advertising and copywriting as well. When he isn't being a marketing nerd, he is helping the local music scene and running his charity, Keep Children Rockin, which provides music...

Feb 11, 2020

Laura Sills is the Director of Operations at Ziva Meditation.

When she started at Ziva she was admittedly a meditation skeptic, however, 3 years later she's become one of the biggest advocates. Now, she helps to spread Ziva’s message through creating and developing online courses, streamlining operational...

Feb 4, 2020

Vanessa Copley is a Certified Infusionsoft/Keap Partner ready to help YOU take your business to the next level. She enjoys showing her clients how to create systems, marketing plans, and top notch communications with their clients, leads, and prospects. Her main objective when working with any client is to help them get...