Dec 7, 2014
Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 96, in which I review three recent, under-the radar, off-the-beaten track time travel movies: Dimensions, I'll Follow You Down, and 95ers: Time Runners.
If you know of other time travel movies which you think I might enjoy and want to review, just list them here in the Comments section (right below this post).
Here are my written reviews of these movies -
Hey, if you enjoy these sorts of small-scale time travel movies, check out The Chronology Protection Case, available on iTunes and Amazon Instant Video.
and more time travel in
Loose Ends, Hugo-nominated novella - "Paul Levinson
has taken the brilliant step of combining the emotional impact of
two tragic American events ... But Levinson does much more. He
creates a love story set against the evocative portrait of New York
City." -Michael Burstein, Tangent