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Nov 25, 2010


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Rare Doctor Who Stuff I have for sale.


More items added daily

Nov 22, 2010

Part OneEdit href= Edit

Sarah Jane faces her saddest day, as she realises that no one can defend the Earth forever. She’s saved the world so many times, but must now hand over the task to safer hands. Clyde and Rani are distraught, and the forces of darkness gather as the inevitable day approaches.

Part TwoEdit href= Edit

Sarah Jane...

Nov 14, 2010

Starring Mark McDonnell, Hannah Smith and Barnaby Edwards

(Duration: 240' approx)


Mark McDonnell (Liam Barnaby), Hannah Smith (Samantha Thorn), Barnaby Edwards (Paul Hunt), Jo Castleton (Hazel Trahn), Ian Brooker (Yan), Ian Hallard (Chessman), Andrew Dickens (Milo Taggart), Toby Hadoke (Louis Richter),

Nov 7, 2010

 SJSA 4.2 4.3 and 4.4


Part 1

A teenage girl enters an asylum, and approaches The Vault of Secrets. She tries to access it, but only has one disc. She is then confronted by The Alliance of Shades, so she escapes, injures herself and falls over. Androvax exits her body, and escapes. The Alliance of Shades (a.k.a Men In...