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Jul 31, 2015

#blakes7 #podcast @DownAndSafe #TinDogPodcast


From VHS release:

Commandeering an alien spaceship Blake, Jenna and Avon make for Cygnus Alpha on a rescue mission. What they discover is a threatening religious group whose divine ruler has cast the curse of Cygnus upon all the prisoners. Dare Blake challenge 'He who...

Jul 28, 2015

@Writerer  @BBCBooks #doctorwho #tindogpodcast  @BBCWBC



Isn’t life terrible? Isn’t it all going to end in tears? Won’t it be good to just give up and let something else run my mind, my life?

Something distinctly odd is going on in Arbroath. It could be to do with golfers being dragged down into the...

Jul 24, 2015

summer of #blakes7 #tindogpodcast #doctorwho


On the prison ship, London, Blake meets thief Vila Restal, smuggler Jenna Stannis, murderer Olag Gan and computer engineer Kerr Avon. The London encounters a battle between two alien space fleets and London‍ '​s crew plot a course to avoid the combat zone and...

Jul 21, 2015

@BBCWBC @BBCBooks @DWBBCBooks @0tralala @LMMyles @Andr3wSmith #doctorwho #tindogpodcast


Doctor Who stories are many things: thrilling adventures, historical dramas, tales of love and war and jelly babies. They’re also science fiction – but how much of the science is actually real, and how much is really...

Jul 17, 2015

#blakes7 #SummerOfBlakes7 #TinDogPodcast


from the vhs box...


Life in a domed city of the future is secure and comfortable for Roj Blake until he discovers the nightmare that contracts everything he knows and threatens to end his life on Earth. When the former resistance leader, brainwashed by the Federation,...