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COACHED with Coach Keren

Jul 25, 2019

Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world.
~Gilda Radner

As a new mom, you have a lot of parenting decisions to make. Are you going to breastfeed or not? Are you gonna go sleep or not? Are you going back to work or are you staying home with your children?

Often the advice or the suggestions that come from other people are about these very things and they're completely unsolicited. In fact, they usually make you feel guilty or uncertain.

Today's moms shaming culture can be off the charts. And the reason is it's because not only is it coming from our family and close people, it's literally coming from strangers on social media. 

A new poll just found that a majority of American mothers are being judged. Some online and some in person. In fact, C.S. Mots, a children's hospital at the University of Michigan, conducted a national poll surveying about 500 moms of kids 5 years and younger, and they were all asked if they'd had their parenting questioned. 61% responded they've been criticized for their child rearing decisions.

Listen and hear top three tips to end your dealing with the mom shaming right now.

Listen and hear top three tips to stay mindful and control the urge to criticize or disapprove of others