Oct 5, 2016
2016 Mindfulness Retreat for People of Color
Dear Friends,
This is the Question & Answer Session (and final recording)
from The Path of True Love: Healing Ourselves mindfulness retreat
for People of Color.
We are deeply grateful to our teachers Br. Larry Ward, Rev. angel
Kyodo williams and Rev. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Br. Man Tue, Sister
Hang Nghiem for all the shining wisdom, compassion, joy and
skillfulness they offered nourishing our healing and inspiring wise
Some of the questions posed:
1. What do we do about our public
2. How do we handle our anger? i.e. police
3. How do we help others when we are being
4. How do we continue our meditation when
anxiety comes up?
5. How do we partner in activism for
collective liberation?
6. How have you strived to perfect love in
this practice?
...and others
Let us now stop, listen deeply and contemplate these teachings and
sharings to cultivate our individual and collective healing and
great aspiration to strengthen the Beloved Community.
You can also listen to these talks on the Deer Park Dharmacast
Soundcloud page