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Best Morning Routine, Ever!

Oct 29, 2020

Rustie is an author, Speaker, & Full time single mom. Rustie is internationally known for sharing her harrowing story of abuse, poverty, & Rape. She continues to inspire people all over the world to find gratitude even in the darkness. Tune in & let her make you laugh, cry, and appreciate what you have!


Oct 26, 2020

Courtney is a skilled, compassionate coach with 11 years of experience in supporting teens and families. As a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and Parenting Coach Academy trainer, Courtney utilizes experiential activities to guide parents through their ongoing process of being in a relationship with...

Oct 22, 2020

Michael is a believer in God, a husband, and a father. He is also an educator, an advisor and investor in numerous things. After getting referred into the mortgage industry, Michael really took off and began to really dive into the real estate business. Michael has owned a small business and has had a medium-sized...

Oct 19, 2020

Heather guide her clients to transform their company’s performance, get HOURS
back each week from common ineffective work methods and put more moxie into
building their positive legacy more intentionally. Heather is obsessed with getting her
clients RESULTS!


Links to...

Oct 15, 2020

Udo Erasmus is the founder of Udo's Choice - found in Whole Foods and other health food stores worldwide. He invented the machinery for making oils, enyzmes, probiotics and more. Udo first pioneered Flax Seed Oil. Udo is an acclaimed author, speaker and expert on TOTAL SEXY HEALTH. Udo has sold over 250,000 copies...