Sep 17, 2020
Karl is the author of Bring Gratitude and coach to people who want to Dig Deeper to Fly Higher. He struggled for years with staying consistent with his goals and working toward them until he applied techniques to help him be better prepared and excited about the challenges ahead. One of his core mandates is to teach people that It all starts with building a foundation of gratitude and slowly building out from there.
Links to my podcast the Best Morning Routine, Ever! Podcast Apple:
Podcast Android: Podcast Stitcher: Podcast Spotify:
Links to my very own morning routine app -- HitSavers: 9-actionable items done in 9-mins to HACK your morning!!! To improve the quality of your day -- your life!
Try it today for free: HitSavers App Android: Hitsavers App Apple:
Connect with me. Habit consulting -- learn how to replace those pesky little habits that formed without your permission:
Hack your habits Calendar: Website: