Apr 27, 2023
What's the secret to working fewer hours and achieving more? Productivity researcher Joe Sanok says a four-day work week works and shares how teams can experiment with the concept. Sanok, who is the author of "Thursday is the New Friday" also breaks down myths we have of reaching success. Find yourself stuck in an industrialist work situation? Sanok offers up activities to try to help buld more value in life outside of the job.
Thursday is the New Friday: https://joesanok.com/
Practice of the Practice Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-practice-of-the-practice-podcast-innovative/id597735438
OMG ON YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbq033IpRC6waXLbuRfmcic6g2WVNz2rj
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