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ZLORD podcast

ZLORD features two Americans seeing Oneness everywhere they look. Artist teZa and filmmaker Carter Lord start off in summer of 2019 car-camping for six months all over North America. Afterwards, they explore the inner adventures of life, experiences just as exciting and challenging to them as visiting exotic locales. Their conversations' aim is to discover just how interconnected everything is, when viewed through the unifying prism of the NOW. Seeing wonders reflected back from whatever they do, wherever they look or go, inwardly and outwardly, the couple shares with humor, unabashed honesty, with enough gusto for legions. Their banter is free and uncensored. Their views entirely their own, there is no affiliation or alignment with any organization/political party/religion/. These two are not your average American citizen by any means. Perhaps investigating such off-the-grid types as the Lords might expand your own perceptions? Drop the two a line to ask questions or comment:

Apr 26, 2022

Recorded in the Wild on April 24 but uploaded a few days later when we found an internet connection. Cohosts teZa and Carter Lord discuss, sitting at their early morning campfire in Southeast Arizona, how, with the proper approach, one can feel connected to Nature, to 'the Wild' no matter where, when, or how our...

Apr 26, 2022

This episode was recorded on EARTH DAY as cohost teZa and Carter Lord camp in the WILD of Southeast Arizona. Due to no internet connection, the next two conversations on ZLORD podcast are being presented simultaneously as ... internet is only now possible. We record using only an simple iPhone, and then, to present...

Apr 11, 2022

teZa and Carter are freshly back from a multiday reunion with old school chums, many of whom hold opposing views about the way the world is. Bonded by a mutual love, having known each other since childhood, it's important to the group to find common ground rather than continue arguing about such things as...

Apr 4, 2022

Cohosts teZa and Carter Lord talk about how being "in tune" with higher levels of consciousness is a choice each of us gets to make, over and over, each day, each moment in the day. They share some of the tools they use to stay in this "river of consciousness" ... and some of the ways in which it's easy to forget....