Mar 17, 2020
So quickly, the world has changed! We're right in the middle of a global pandemic with the spread of Covid-19 now hitting our small town in Florida. teZa and Carter Lord, co-hosts of ZLORD, who started this podcast to document their nomadic travels, are now self-isolating themselves in their own home, hunkered down for the duration of this virus-tsunami about to hurl over them. They discuss how swiftly things can change--and they already have! Overnight practically, they and everyone else in the world has to alter their travel plans, daily behavior, become smarter, stay healthy, and help others as well as themselves get through this affliction best they can. Things are changing as swiftly, as powerfully as they instantly did when the world experienced the horrible events of September 11 in 2001. But this event, not a war but just as devastatingly lethal, will last much longer. No one knows what the future will bring. No one knows who will fall victim to the disease and who will be lucky enough to survive it. The Lords speak about the coping skills they utilize, not just enumerating the shock of this worldwide challenge. What will life bring us next? Are we prepared to ... let it Be?