Dec 26, 2020
Co-hosts teZa and Carter Lord discuss how there's never "too much" when it comes to looking at, and responding to life from a spiritual perspective. They give numerous examples, both personally and from others' experiences. Perhaps the astronomical event of the past week, the multiple-centuries-rare conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter heralds in a new phase of humankind's understanding, commonly called the "Age of Aquarius." This is the era of humanity's development when, as many sages have predicted for eons, people are forced to acknowledge their spiritual side as equally as they do their worldly, material one. Whether people are changing from the radical shift the Covid pandemic has brought, or ... it's just time to transform our pettiness to something bigger, more compassionate ... we of ZLORD certainly hope so! We wish you and yours a most blessed season of Light and Love, and health to everyone! We love you all.