Jul 29, 2021
What exactly is Success? What's the meaning of equality? And what about Oneness? These are some of the things that matter to cohosts teZa and Carter Lord in this week's ZLORD discussion. Recorded before Simone Biles pulled out of the Olympics, but relevant to her decision, nonetheless. Write us with...
Jul 19, 2021
Carter and teZa Lord discuss their spiritual point of view of one of the most controversial and divisive issues of our times: class and economic privilege. What does this buzz-word even mean to the average person? For spiritually-minded individuals? As always, this podcast approaches all subjects from the perspective of...
Jul 15, 2021
We're all humans. It's only natural we experience depression and anxiety, at some level, sooner or later. But what to do when this challenging time hits us, oftentimes right between the eyes! Sending us reeling! Carter and teZa Lord offer their methods in their 100th podcast of ZLORD, this time about how they deal...
Jul 7, 2021
Carter and teZa Lord discuss the spiritual concept of self versus others. This applies to social obligations, being kind and respectful, and in today's ideologically divisive world, letting the "other guy" have their say without judgment. Anti-vaxers is, again, an unavoidable issue. So is "being not-neurotic."...