Dec 30, 2021
Here is my 2022 housing market forecast where I predict how much the median home price will increase, the 11 reasons why I think they will, and the areas of the country with the most opportunity. Enjoy!
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2022 Housing Market Forecast (see the charts)
Dec 23, 2021
Being an entrepreneur might sound nice, but the pressure is always on. The benefits of being an employee are the most apparent during the winter holidays. Appreciate being able to make money while on vacation. It's one of the best perks you'll miss.
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Dec 16, 2021
When you can borrow money at a negative real interest rate and invest in a guaranteed positive real return, you've got it made! Let's discuss this fascinating scenario for investors.
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Dec 10, 2021
CEO of Vishal Garg said 250 of the 900 people he laid off were stealing from him and his clients by only working two hours a day. Is slacking off considered stealing if you are getting your work done? My wife and I discuss.
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Dec 3, 2021
Investing in two target-date funds for my children's 529 plans has cost me over $30,000 so far in lost profits. Here are some downsides to target-date funds and who should invest in target-date funds.
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