Oct 29, 2019
For those who still don't believe you can negotiate a severance package, a guy got a 10-figure severance package despite helping blow up his company. Let's learn how he did it and some good lessons to help the rest of us get that money!
How To Negotiate A Severance is now it its 3rd edition. You can get $10 off with...
Oct 22, 2019
Here are five of the most common financial blindspots people have on their road to financial independence. If you can recognize them, you will better plan for the future and increase your chances of being financially free one day.
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Oct 15, 2019
From staying in an abusive relationship, to joining a Twitter mob that bullies others, to not speaking up against corporate and political malfeasance, things stay bad for a long time because people are too dependent on money. Whether money is a need or a want, it ruins a person's ability to stand up for what they know...
Oct 7, 2019
If you are a business owner who is burning out and wishing to cash out, here is some perspective of someone who did. He sold his baby for $2.8 million and regrets his decision every day.
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