Jul 19, 2022
My new book, Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom, is now LIVE! Order a hardcopy online today by clicking the link or call your local bookstore and order from them.
After a long 2.5-year journey, my wife and I reflect on what it took to create this new bestseller. When in doubt, do hard...
Jul 18, 2022
If you don't speak up for yourself, nobody else will. As a result, you must fight for every opportunity you think you deserve. Don't be shy. Don't feel like you don't belong. Because you do.
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How To Convince Someone You Are Bad When You're Actually Pretty Good
Jul 13, 2022
Here is a logical and smart way to determine your financial satisfication and happiness. The Financial Samurai Wealth Reality Ratio will also determine whether you are reasonable or delusional in your wealth accumulation goals. The ratio will also help you determine how big of a net worth you need to feel wealthy...
Jul 4, 2022
Thinking of retiring early to pursue new interests? In June 2022, I celebrated my 10-year anniversary of early retirement, or as I like to say, fake retirement. Here are my 11 most important takeaways. FIRE is worth it!
To help you achieve financial independence sooner, pick up a hard copy of my new book, Buy This, Not...