Thu, 10 December 2020
This week, my guest is Sav Sankaran [47:28], fishing manager at the Orvis store in Asheville. The subject is Late Fall and Winter trout fishing in the Southeast, and although Sav talks about his rivers specifically, there are many good tips for winter fishing anywhere in the world. You may have enjoyed Sav's bluegrass music on a recent Orvis Facebook Live event, and he's also the subject of an Orvis story on his special family holiday gatherings https://www.orvis. This podcast is just the beginning of a series I plan on doing on winter fishing throughout North America. With travel still restricted this winter, many of us will need to find fishing close to home, or at least within driving distance. We hope to make those outings more fun and enjoyable by giving you tips to make your time on the water a bit more successful. In the Fly Box this week, we'll explore some great tips and questions from listeners, including:
Direct download: Late_Fall_and_Winter_Trout_Fishing_with_Sav_Sankaran.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45pm EDT |