Mon, 1 May 2017
In this episode, Don and Isaac are joined by Matt Loomis to talk about what they've played lately which includes:
(36:03) In the second segment, Don, Isaac, and Matt talk about trick-taking games and their picks for April's Triple Play. (1:39:24) We listen to a couple of listener calls about their picks for trick-taking games. (1:44:35) Next, Erik and Bruce talk about their trick-taking choices. (2:03:18) Lastly, Don and Erik reveal the Triple Play topic for May. This episode was sponsored by the Grand Gamers Guild and their upcoming games Unreal Estate and Stroop. On Board Games listeners can enter a contest to win Stroop and an Unreal Estate jigsaw puzzle by visiting Inverse Genius: Parts of this episode were edited by Greuven Reuven, thanks GR! Patreon account: |