Feb 25, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex RC brings forth more evidence of distinct YDB extraterrestrial event markers in lake cores from Central America. He presents oddities from the Boslough and Surovell self-supporting distraction papers, but they...
Feb 19, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex Randall talks about the "Great 5" extinction events' severity and that all are now connected to impact events, then brings us back to the latest mass extinction at the YDB and whether we are now amidst a 6th....
Feb 17, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex On New Year’s Eve, prior to a new decade 2020, RC recounts some previous missed predictions of catastrophe and the morals from the “Boy who Cried Wolf” story. Then digging into some scientific papers that...
Feb 17, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex During a loose review of topics from the previous episode with Cosmic Tusk George Howard, RC talks about discovering the mysterious Carolina Bays controversy, searching for Georgia tektites along the “fall...
Feb 6, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex We have George Howard on to talk about the Comet Research Group and the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, and new developments in the scientific conversation around this topic. He tells stories about being...