Oct 15, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex We look back at last week’s lesson on drumlins from guest Jerome Lesemann, marveling as it seems he did, at the “absolutely astounding” scale of the water-flushed features created at the bed of a...
Oct 8, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex Jerome Lesemann, from Vancouver Island University, is a drumlin expert, and student and colleague of pioneer of the Meltwater Hypothesis for the formation of drumlins – John Shaw. After some introductory...
Oct 2, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex While reviewing the events around the catastrophic drainings of Glacial Lake Agassiz, the ongoing question arises: What was the impulse of energy that initiated the domino procession of megafloods? We continue...