Jun 4, 2020
https://RandallCarlson.com/links https://youtube.com/TheRandallCarlson https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex RC's background image of massive glacial erratic "Okotoks" spurs discussion of methods for moving megaliths. Then carrying on from Ep032, we look at Lac St-Jean as a potential impact site with the Saguenay River fjord as an outflow channel, linked to evidence from YDB layers at PA and NJ Clovis sites, that contain spherules and osmium traceable to lithologies present in Quebecia. Similar features are present at another proposed impact site at Lake Nipigon, with massive outflow channels to the south, which leads to discussion of the erosion across the Colorado Plateau and thru the Grand Canyon. Switching back to studies from the Channel Islands, the question of "where are all the human remains" opens again the Anzick One mystery... Kosmographia Ep033 The Randall Carlson Podcast with the Snake Brothers – Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike and GCREX admin Bradley, from 05/26/20.
Support Randall Carlson's efforts to discover and share pivotal paradigm-shifting information! Improve the quality of the podcast and future videos. Allow him more time for his research into the many scientific journals, books, and his expeditions into the field, as he continues to decipher the clues that explain the mysteries of our past, and prepare us for the future...
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Branch out to all things Randall at: http://RandallCarlson.com/links
Get on the list(s) for tours/REXpeditions! tours@randallcarlson.com
Scablands REXpedition with Grimerica: http://ContactattheCabin.com/
email: Kosmographia1618@gmail.com
Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent. Check out their podcast: http://www.BrothersoftheSerpent.com/
Theme music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty: http://www.FiftyDollarDynasty.net/
Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights), with audio mastered by Kyle Allen.
Hiawatha Crater from NASA Scientific Visualization Studio https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4572
Recent news on Hiawatha dating: https://www.geosociety.org/GSA/News/p...
Mayewski GISP image and interview: http://www.sciencepoles.org/interview...
SRTM North America map/DEM – from JPL: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/cat...
Full listing of scientific papers about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: https://cosmictusk.com