Mon, 1 January 2007
Leftovers - whether you love them or throw them away - they are a part of our daily lives! The same is true for Christmas. Our culture would have us believe everything is done and over with once December 25th passes and all the presents are opened. But after all the rush of December, there are Christmas leftovers... What are they? What remains after Christmas Day? As Christians we need to realize there are some significant gifts which remain with us and the most important one is the baby who will grow to be our Savior. Will we lose Him as we throw away the wrappings and bows? Will He be boxed away with all the decorations? Will he be relegated to the back, lower shelf of the refrigerator until some future day? This weekend as we look to the wise men and their gifts - the late-comers to the Christmas party - we will see the magnificence of the gifts left for us even after Christmas is "over"
Direct download: 2006-12-30_Pastor-Jane-Jebsen_Livin-on-Leftovers.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 1:14am CDT |