Sat, 30 June 2007
Ron Mehl writes, “…if you consistently dishonor the Sabbath principle in your life, somewhere along the line the bills will come due. Things will begin to break down in your life…? When we think of remembering the Sabbath often what we think of is focusing on God – and while this is certainly a part of this, there is a reason that God gives us a day to REST. Tonight we will look at the whys of and importance of Sabbath and the role it plays in our life!
To Know: God calls us all to a day of rest EVERY week!
To Feel: Relief and excitement at the gift that God is giving
To Do: Choose to honor the Sabbath…by actually changing your calendar to give yourself a day of Sabbath each week. Do the hard work!
Direct download: 2007-06-30_Next-Step_Pastor-Scott-Hackler_Keep-the-Sabbath.mp3
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