Sun, 25 March 2007
Judas and Mary show us diverging roads. Judas travels the road of greed. Mary is on the road of generosity. We can only imagine the tension in that room with Mary, Judas and the others. There was a discomfort with the actions and extravagance of Mary, but Jesus was calm. He received her gift as an incredible act of love. Surely they knew Jesus life was threatened. She must have been overwhelmed by some certainty that Jesus would die, so her deep love spilled out as the nard was poured. When Judas saw it, he was disgusted. To him it was a waste…he could see nothing good in her actions. To this day, of course, we see these two in marked contrast. Mary gives humbly from what she has and Judas’ greed tries to control not only his wealth, but the gift anyone else would give. Mary couldn't help herself...Hers was a response of love.
Direct download: 2007-03-24_Pastor-Scott-Hackler_The-Road-Less-Traveled_The-Road-of-Generosity.mp3
Category:sermons -- posted at: 2:42pm CDT |