Sun, 1 April 2007
Sermon Text: Luke 19:28-40 What is success? It is the end for which we strive. It is the affirmation toward which we live that we believe once attained, will finally make it all worthwhile. The success of God is revealed as our Lord rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. It is the agenda of life and peace, the agenda of redeeming love. All the success of that first Palm Sunday, the power and acclaim given to Jesus, was held accountable to the cross which was to follow. Jesus willingly sets aside the temporary exaltation of women, men, and even children for the sake of God's eternal agenda. The story could have turned out so differently. He could have seized the moment, struck while the iron was hot, and taken control of the city. There was so much good that could have been done that he didn't do�it was because the immediate was held accountable to the ultimate�the temporary to the eternal.
Direct download: 2007-03-31_Pastor-Scott-Hackler_The-Road-Less-Traveled_The-Road-of-Success.mp3
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