May 30, 2015
Right wing is upset nobody cares about inner city blacks! Baltimore
makes a dark ages decision on funds youth prisons instead of
schools. Chris Matthews freaks out over Isis-
Phone calls from Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Bill Oreilly, and Luke
With Frank Conniff, Mike MacRae, Robert
Yasumura, Michael...
May 23, 2015
Criminal Bankers get a velvet slap on the wrists, pay fine with
illlegally gotten money, --Bernie Sanders blows Wolf Blitzer's mind
and says we should tax the rich!! NBC news says AMerican's are
protecting Iraq cities from other Iraqi's.
Phone calls from: Pres. Obama, BERNIE SANDERS!!, Prof. Humperdink,
and Chris...
May 16, 2015
General Petreous emblematic of different & Unequal enforcement of
the law, MSNBC still getting police brutality
Has Fox News Ever Demonized the poor? Joe Scarborough says
Phone calls from Luke Russert, Barack Obama, Prince
Get a free audio book of your choice, courtesy of The Jimmy...
May 9, 2015
Mainstream news continues to freak out over ISIS! Be Scared!! We Debunk.
Charlie Hebdo recieves teh PEN award foru courae and people frek
out. NY Times finds Salmon Rushdie offensive and censors his
tweets. (Not Kidding)
"Rick Steve's America!", by Mike MacRae & Chris Cubas.
Phone Calls from Bill Oreilly Rick...
May 2, 2015
Mainstream news media's failure in Balitmore, local residents push back on live TV against CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News. Black Wall Street burned to the ground by White Rioters, Robert Yasumura has some words for Ben Carson, phone calls from Pres. Obama, Mike from St. Louis, Bill Oreilly.
WIth Frank Conniff, Ted Lyde,...