Jun 25, 2016
The legislation that the republicans pushed INSTEAD of passing
gun legislation just might shock you.
Hillary Cllinton calls at the bottom of the hour to do Improv!
LUke Russert lists the many ways Dems won on gun control.
John Lewis parrots Bernie Sanders durring protest, but forgets he
turned his back on him...
Jun 18, 2016
News media finds new ways to marginalize Bernie.
Peter King calls to tell us how Trump is unsetting the balance
inside the Republican Party.
Rudolph Guliani proclaims our culture better than the
Lee Camp calls to explain the voter Fraud happening inside the
democratic primary.
With Mike MacRae, Jim...
Jun 11, 2016
Google skewed search results for Hillary Clinton and got
George Clooney Calls to talke sexism and reaching a new Milestone
in his personal life.
"Mourning Remembrance" with Jim Earl
Pres Obama & his press secretary show Hillary Supporters how to woo
With Mike MacRae, Stef Zamorano, JIm Earl
Jun 4, 2016
Bernie Sanders starts the show off with a 15 minute phone
Paul Ryan reveals he is a coward and endorses Trump.
The IG investigation reveals Hillary lied repeatedly about her
emails and is in big trouble, Carl Bernstein reveals the White
House is concerned she is in FREE FALL!
Jim Earl reads a fake obituary of...