Jun 25, 2020
Trump retweets crazy Lefty!
Dr. Fauci admits he lied about mask safety!
Tulsa cops arrest peaceful protesters at Trump rally!
Phone calls from Vince Vaughn, Bernie Sanders, Harrison Ford, David Lee Roth, and Pete Buttigieg!
Featuring Stef Zamorano, journalist Max Blumenthal, and Mike MacRae!
Jun 18, 2020
Cop weeps about waiting for fast food!
Google targets news outlets!
Phone calls from Hillary Supporter, Chuck Schumer, Chris Christie, and Joe Biden!
Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
Jun 17, 2020
Housing Apocalypse coming soon!
Government gives billionaires more money that could pay for Medicare For All!
Jun 12, 2020
Protests produce Results!
Is the fear over Coronavirus over?
Second wave coming?
Jun 11, 2020
Special Guest: former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura!
Snowflake Cops!
America supports the protests!
Phone calls from Al Pacino, Mitt Romney, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden!
Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!