Mar 28, 2019
Rachel Maddow's ratings tank!
RussiaGate skeptics take victory laps!
Media humiliated by Mueller Report conclusion!
MSNBC won't give up their conspiracy theories!
Featuring Aaron Mate, Stef Zamorano, Ron Placone, and Mike MacRae.
Phone Calls from Barrack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Liam Neeson, and Bernie Sanders
Mar 21, 2019
Trump keeps ripping John McCain!
Republicans cower to Trump!
Americans now think Trump is victim of a witch-hunt!
Guess who Bernie's new press secretary voted for in 2016!
Phone calls from Sean Spicer, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, and Al Pacino!
Featuring Stef Zamorano, Ron Placone, and Mike MacRae.
Mar 14, 2019
Special Guest: Judah Friedlander!
Jimmy Dore Show is three weeks ahead of the New York Times!
MSNBC millionaires would rather vote Trump than Bernie!
Tulsi Gabbard counters pro-war CNN!
Phone calls from NY Congressman Peter King, Mitt Romney, and
Chuck Schumer!
With Stef Zamorano and Mike Macrae!
Mar 7, 2019
Real Election Fraud!
"Lazy F***ism" of the New York Times!
America is trying to steal Venezuela's election!
with Greg Palast, Stef Zamorano, Ron Placone, and Mike MacRae.
Phone calls from CNN's Jake Tapper, Mitt Romney, and Chris Christie!