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Chronicles Abroad

Jul 31, 2019

Abby is the host of The Wanderlusters Mind. A podcast that interviews world travelers from around the world who are transitioning back to their home countries.

Abby spent most of her life playing competitive sports. But, after a terrible sports injury, Abby had some time to think about her life. She was inspired to...

Jul 29, 2019

Have you thought about the programming that’s in your mind? You’re either programming your mind or being programmed.

This matters because much of what you learned was given to you or fed to you. Either by your caregivers, by TV, and even by social media. It is up to you to question the programming that’s running...

Jul 24, 2019

Tyler & Chantal Patton are growing up without borders with their three daughters Julia, Angelique & Chloe have traveled to 98 countries since 2003.

They have watched their children flourish as international travelers for the last four years. They figured, instead of learning about history in history books their...

Jul 22, 2019

What is the tomato story? Well, first, do you have a scarcity or an abundance mindset? How do you know the difference? 

The scarcity mindset believes, “There will never be enough.” Whereas, the abundance mindset believes, “There will always be more.” The idea that there isn’t enough isn’t true. It’s a...

Jul 17, 2019

Nikki is a conscious traveler who is spreading wellness from around the world. She hopes to shed light on the idea that we are very much the same than we are different.

She believes it’s important to travel to countries with intention. We break down what it means to travel well and how to include wellness into your...