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Chronicles Abroad

Sep 30, 2020

Don’t ask for permission to live your life. Nubia gets even more personal in this deeper segment about her life. She discusses parenthood and making tough decisions that impacted her relationships with her family and friends. 

In this episode, Nubia is candid about how she works through her limiting beliefs and how...

Sep 16, 2020

Frantzces interviews Nubia who says you are the creator of your life. She shares what she’s been up to for the last 16 months living in Mexico.

In this episode, she shares how and why she built Black In Tulum a wildly popular Facebook providing events and excursions and other related guided tour services for people of...

Sep 2, 2020

Nubia interviews Frantzces about trusting the process. This episode is in full transparency as Frantzces shares her personal story about what made her transition abroad, and the internal battles that she experienced throughout the years.

Fear and uncertainty could've stopped her from taking risks but she leaped...