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Chronicles Abroad

Oct 7, 2019

On today's Monday Message Frantzces talks about anxiety.

Many people suffer from anxiety, yet it's highly treatable. But, most people don't receive treatment for it. It's crippling and it hijacks your emotions and your inability to move forward in life.

Anxiety comes up for you because you have difficulties remaining in the present. You have both feet planted in the future or the past. Or you may have one foot in the future and one foot in the past. This causes a lot of fear and worry.

You are not your anxiety. You can overcome it. But you can't overcome it with medication alone.

So, listen as Frantzces explains the different ways to tackle anxiety and why it matters.

So tune in!

Would you like to continue the conversation? Reach out to Frantzces at

Want to connect more with Frantzces? Check her out on these following social media platforms:

Instagram: @Frantzceslys or @chronicles_abroad

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