Aug 25, 2022
As a people person with a passion for numbers, Brittany had always dreamed of owning her own business. With five years of experience as a certified public accountant in hand, Brittany was ready for a new challenge: purchasing an existing vendor shop.
Listen in to learn Brittany’s best tips for running a vendor...
Aug 18, 2022
One of the things that shopkeepers struggle with the most is time management. It seems like there’s a never-ending list of tasks and just not enough time in the day.
Time management, though, is a learned skill. There’s no magic pill, system, or solution that adds more time to your day, but you CAN get better at...
Aug 11, 2022
Shopkeeper Stories are back! We’re kicking off this round with Jessica Thompson, owner of Bee Joyful Shop in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Jessica started her journey as a maker with just one product: reusable beeswax food wraps. After several years of showing at markets and selling at a monthly community event, Jessica was...
Aug 8, 2022
In this bonus episode, I'm sharing a recent experience I had
where I attended a good friend's small business retreat and the
"mental drama" that unfolded before I committed to attending.
Our thinking often holds us back but it doesn't have to be this
The power of connecting in real life is craved more than
Aug 4, 2022
Growing the online part of your business takes time and effort. Just like our brick-and-mortar spaces, it’s essential to dedicate some energy to this part of our business. Online marketing is crucial to growing and building a solid omnichannel retail business.
In Master Shopkeepers, a group member with a fantastic...