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Apr 28, 2020

"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.

Part 2 -- The Real Aim

Chapter 1 -- The Impotence of Impenitence

"The root formula of an epoch is always an unwritten law, just as the law that is the first of all laws, that which protects life from the murderer, is written nowhere in the Statute...

Apr 21, 2020

"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.

Chapter 8 -- A Summary of a False Theory:

"I have up to this point treated the Eugenists, I hope, as seriously as they treat themselves. I have attempted an analysis of their theory as if it were an utterly abstract and disinterested theory; and so...

Apr 14, 2020

"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.

Chapter 7 -- The Established Church of Doubt:

"Let us now finally consider what the honest Eugenists do mean, since it has become increasingly evident that they cannot mean what they say."

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Apr 7, 2020

"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.

Chapter 6 -- The Unanswered Challenge:

"Dr. Saleeby did me the honour of referring to me in one of his addresses on this subject, and said that even I cannot produce any but a feeble-minded child from a feeble-minded ancestry. To which I reply, first of...