Oct 29, 2019
On October 29, 1969 two letters were sent from UCLA to Stanford, and Lo! The Internet was Born! From there, the information freeway evolved into a speedway, and now, here we are! Downloading podcasts, watching movies, watching cat videos! If you are interested in reading about its history and seeing photos of...
Oct 22, 2019
I have a secret about my celebrity crush. But we must be discrete about it! If you are interested in learning more about discrete math and my favorite Die Hard puzzle, please feel free to visit me at www.mathsciencehistory.com and read more about it (there are visuals too).
Also, while you are at my Website, please...
Oct 15, 2019
In 1870 Matilda Joslyn Gage published her tract "Woman as Inventor." This pamphlet listed many women in science who went unnoticed while their male counterparts received accolades. Even this year, not one woman received a Nobel in science or medicine. This podcast names the many women who deserved scientific...
Oct 8, 2019
Laura Maria Caterina Bassi received her Ph.D. at 21 years of age. She was the first woman to earn a professorship in physics at a university. As a trailblazer for women in STEM, she was one of the first women in science to accomplish so much! Her story is truly memorable. If you are interested in reading more about...
Oct 1, 2019
Pi is a wonderful, magical number. Pi is a mathematical constant that has over a trillion digits. But, in 250 BCE, it was only accurate to two digits. Around 250 BCE Archimedes wrote his treatise Dimension of the Circle, which is a brief body of work that describes the measurements of a circle, including his...