Dec 30, 2019
The 2020s are upon us!! One hundred years ago, the 1920s produced a wealth of technology and discoveries! But, did you know that the other 20s since the first century brought us some amazing math, science, and technology?! If you are interested in reading more about the history of math and science, please visit me on...
Dec 17, 2019
The holidays are upon us! What better way to celebrate than sharing a fun logic puzzle about five weird scientists and their holiday celebration. For the sake of the puzzle, let us just assume that these scientists are neighbors, and all exist in the same era. They include William Buckland, Tycho Brahe, Ilya Ivanovich...
Dec 8, 2019
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper was born on December 9, 1906, in New York, New York. The story of her brilliance and her life is inspiring. She exemplified perseverance. From college to the Navy to her work with compilers, she never gave up! I have a video on my Website of her interview on 60 Minutes, which is one of...
Dec 2, 2019
When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE, it destroyed yet preserved the ancient world of Herculaneum, along with the Villa de Papyri. In 1752, excavators discovered almost 1,800 scrolls, that today we are finally able to "unwrap" and read thanks to Artificial Intelligence. You can find more video, images, and more...