Feb 27, 2020
This year, February 28 is not the last day of the month! Happy Leap Year! If you aren't familiar with the origins of Leap Year, have I got a story for you!! I also explain how Leap Year is organized! If you are interested in reading stories about the history of math and science, please feel free to visit me at my blog...
Feb 16, 2020
It's Black History Month! Dr. Angie Turner King left a huge legacy in the world of black academia in STEM. She didn't just forge a path, she built a highway for African Americans in STEM. Her legacy includes Katherine Johnson and Jasper Brown, just to name a couple. She was voted as a favorite professor and she...
Feb 9, 2020
It's Black History Month! This week, I talk about Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson. She is America's first black, female physicist to earn her doctorate. This month I am honoring the black, noble goddesses in STEM who inspire, motivate, and forge paths for those who have been marginalized. Each week I talk about one of...
Feb 3, 2020
It's Black History Month! This week, I introduce Dr. Roger Arliner Young. She was America's first black, female zoologist to get her doctorate. This month I'll be honoring the black, noble goddesses in STEM who inspire, motivate, and forge paths for those who have been marginalized. Each week I'll talk about one of my...