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Math Science History with Gabrielle Birchak

Math! Science! History! is about the history of people, theories, and discoveries that have moved our scientific progress forward and spurred us on to unimaginable discoveries. Join me for a little math, a little science, and a little history. All in a little bit of time.

Oct 27, 2020

The toys of the industrial revolution have contributed a great deal to science. This is no accident. Sometimes our greatest moments of discovery happen when our minds are curious and at play. If you want to read more about the history of math and science, please visit me at And while you're...

Oct 13, 2020

Today, some of our fastest electric hypercars produce almost 2,000 horsepower. But what does horsepower mean? And what do sports cars have to do with the industrial revolution? It's all in the podcast Math! Science! History! If you want to read more about the history of math and science, please visit me at