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Math Science History with Gabrielle Birchak

Math! Science! History! is about the history of people, theories, and discoveries that have moved our scientific progress forward and spurred us on to unimaginable discoveries. Join me for a little math, a little science, and a little history. All in a little bit of time.

Dec 23, 2021

Math is part of our genetic makeup, and history proves it to be true! From 30,000 years ago to today, math has guided us, inspired us, and fueled our scientific progress.  For more information on the ancient Mesopotamian clay tablet, you can see them up close on Dr. Bill Casselman's website at 

Dec 15, 2021

It's that time of year! It's time for my Annual Holiday Puzzle! And it's my THIRD Annual Puzzle! (I can't believe the podcast is going on three years!) This year I am upping the ante! If you can solve the puzzles, and be the first person to email me the correct answers to, you will win a...

Nov 24, 2021

Have you ever been in a moment in your life where you wished something would change, but it doesn't? Time passes by and nothing changes. In physics and mathematics, this is known as the Quantum Zeno Effect. If you want to read more about this effect, visit me at

To buy my book Hypatia: The...

Mar 30, 2021

The history of the decimal is fairly new! Before the decimal, mathematicians just listed either values or fractions. And the best part about the decimal is that it's nothing like a period. If you want to read more about the history of math and science, please visit me at And while you're...

Mar 11, 2021

Agree to disagree. This was the foundation of two ancient philosophers and friends, Archytas and Plato. Plato was a philosophical mathematician, and Archytas was a mechanical engineer. But, the friendship was strong enough to save Plato's life.  If you want to read more about the history of math and science, please...