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Math Science History with Gabrielle Birchak

Math! Science! History! is about the history of people, theories, and discoveries that have moved our scientific progress forward and spurred us on to unimaginable discoveries. Join me for a little math, a little science, and a little history. All in a little bit of time.

Aug 23, 2022

Hipparchus was one of the first mathematicians who trigonometrically defined his astronomical observations through stereographic projection, which is incredibly awe-inspiring! 

To read the podcast's transcripts and to see a visual description of stereographic projection, please visit me at

Aug 2, 2022

In June 2022, Emma Haruka Iwao and her team at Google computed pi to 100 trillion digits! But this number 3.1415, first determined by Archimedes, only had three digits. Archimedes left a huge impression on the world of math! 

To read the podcast's transcripts, visit me at For more information...