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Math Science History with Gabrielle Birchak

Math! Science! History! is about the history of people, theories, and discoveries that have moved our scientific progress forward and spurred us on to unimaginable discoveries. Join me for a little math, a little science, and a little history. All in a little bit of time.

Dec 23, 2021

Math is part of our genetic makeup, and history proves it to be true! From 30,000 years ago to today, math has guided us, inspired us, and fueled our scientific progress.  For more information on the ancient Mesopotamian clay tablet, you can see them up close on Dr. Bill Casselman's website at 

Oct 29, 2019

On October 29, 1969 two letters were sent from UCLA to Stanford, and Lo! The Internet was Born! From there, the information freeway evolved into a speedway, and now, here we are! Downloading podcasts, watching movies, watching cat videos!  If you are interested in reading about its history and seeing photos of...