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Math Science History with Gabrielle Birchak

Math! Science! History! is about the history of people, theories, and discoveries that have moved our scientific progress forward and spurred us on to unimaginable discoveries. Join me for a little math, a little science, and a little history. All in a little bit of time.

May 11, 2022

In eighteenth-century Europe, there was an increase in women entering the field of science, more so than in the seventeenth century. What inspired this incredible movement for women in STEM? To read the podcast's transcripts, visit me at If you would like to support my podcast, please visit my website, click on that coffee button, and buy me a cup of coffee!

To buy my book Hypatia: The Sum of Her Life on Amazon, visit

Until next time, carpe diem!


All music by Lloyd Rodgers is in the Public Domain and has no copyright  and no rights reserved