Aug 26, 2024
Zodiac stones read the metadata of your heart. You ears read the metadata of us narrowing seven to four, making our name shit, waiting for a new dawn, using the auracite for good actually, false fighting the second pervert, citing heaven, campfire’ing next to corpses, killing jobbers off screen, simultaneously...
Aug 19, 2024
All such tales of gods and their miracles are false. But not us, and not when we’re swearing on words that have no honor, realizing scripture is leverage, taking fate into mine own hands, listening to death noises, slaking thirst for revenge, selling out for the lord, perverting into another ghoul, unthinking brains,...
Aug 12, 2024
The air is thick with death’s foul stench. This episode is thick with sliming rockets, adding another cultural stereotype, invalidating past benevolence with modern action, resolving sibling arguments, allowing a heretic to triumph, opening the orphanage-to-assassins pipeline, becoming conduits of heaven and nether,...
Aug 5, 2024
We are all but puppets, dancing as they pull our strings. You are all but listeners, frolicing as we’re taking shelter from the rain, meeting with an outland mage, being honest about forbidden knowledge, refusing to be a puppet, wishing no more need of tears, excavating at the mines, delivering job reports, falling...