Sanibel Journal
Show notes for a podcast about Sanibel Island's rebuilding after Hurricane Ian.
60 Waiting for iPhone 3G On June 10, 2008, the day after Steve Jobs announced the iPhone 3G, I attended a meeting of the Boston PDA User Group (BOSPDAUG) at MIT, where the next iPhone was Topic Number One among the developers and users in attendance. After the meeting, I interviewed the group's founder, Al Willis, who spoke about the iPhone in China, Apple's stock price, and when I'll be able to sync my Getting Things Done (GTD) lists between my Mac and my iPhone.  (Answer: soon!)

Music for my podcast is "Going to the Sun" composed and performed by Montana musicians Christine Dickinson, Janet Haarvig, and Matthew Lyon, from their Glacier Journey CD.
Direct download: APC_60_3G_iPhone.m4a
Category:iPhone -- posted at: 10:08pm EST