Aug 29, 2022
Beth VonLuehrte is a RN IBCLC ( International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) at the Christ Hospital Health Network and is answering all your lactation questions in this epsiode!
Find all the resources Beth discussed here:
Aug 22, 2022
In this epsiode mindset coach Lindsey Bonadonna takes us through a walking meditation focusing on unshakeable trust in yourself. Feel free to walk or be in a comfortable space while listening to this meditation.
Find Lindsey here:
If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like...
Aug 15, 2022
Karolin Saweres is a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of My Nutrition and Me, helping empower people to reach wellness goals through evidence based food and nutrition science.
In this epsiode we discuss Karolin's practice if nutrigenomic testing which helps you learn how to eat and exercise based on...
Aug 1, 2022
Krista Powers is a CEO, coach, consultant, and authos for individuals and businesses.
Krista offers 23 years of experience moving beyond surface solutions and diving into the deep work of innovation and transformation in healthcare, nonprofit, education, and business. As the CEO and Founder of Potere Coaching, Krista is...