Feb 24, 2009
In the Proverbs we are instructed as follows:
“My son, attend to my words. Turn your ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, And health to their whole body.” (Proverbs 4:20-22)
To attend means: to be present, to focus, to think about.
This passage shows us HOW to attend to the Words of God: His PROMISES of healing.
We must have an attentive ear.
We must have a steady and fixed look.
We must have an receptive heart.
There are so many promises in the word of God that pertain to divine healing and health. We have covered many of them in previous podcasts. By the way, you can scroll down in the Archives and listen to (or, read the Show Notes of) all previous podcasts. However, if you are in need of healing NOW, it is very helpful – and in some cases, extremely important – to attend to these promises by:
An attentive ear;
A steady and fixed look; and,
A receptive heart.
Listen to the promises. If you do not have access to some means of hearing via a recorded message, then just speak the promises aloud to your self. I do this every day. I have been on Planet Earth a long time. I was just to my doctor for my annual physical last week and at the end – and, after looking over laboratory tests – he said, “Come back in a year.”
It is good to feel healthy. And, health is not only a gift from God, but a promise from God.
Look at the promises. Read them and look closely at them. Focus on them by meditating upon them: through your eyes AND in your mind. This way you will be able to SEE them at any time on the screen of your mind (if not verbatim, at least the content of the promises). They are your life blood – literally – when you need healing. That is WHY God has given them to you.
Receive the promises. Think about the gift which God is offering you. A gift has to be received. Realize that God loves you so much that He has provided healing for you through His Son: Yeshua ha Meshiach (Jesus the Messiah). Healing – and, divine health – are yours through the provision of Messiah by His atonement on the cross stake (“And with his stripes we are healed.”), and the promises of God in His Word.
Life and health are yours according to the promise of God in Proverbs 4:20-22.
If you have read my teachings on healing and health you know that I am NOT against doctors or seeking medical help. However, make sure God wants you to go to the doctor or to seek medical help. Pray first, and ask God what he wants you to do. He may want to heal you instantly (or, over a period of time) without medical help. Study my 32 page book, “How to be Healed,” at: www.realmiracles.com/health_mbhe.htm. Or, you can go to the www.realmiracles.com website and click on HEALTH at the BLUE navigation bars on the left of any page.
The question is: “Whose word will you take?” The word of a doctor, a friend, or the Word of God. God does NOT lie, and He promises healing and health to you if you fulfill the conditions.
Baruch haba b'shem Adonai.
Prince Handley
Podcast time: 4 minutes, 31 seconds
2009 Prince Handley
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