Sep 17, 2020
Brandy Agerbeck demystifies drawing so you can grasp visual thinking to shush your inner critic, erase overwhelm, think clearly, tackle problems, craft communications, and map out your next great accomplishment.
In 2016, Brandy published The Idea Shapers: the power of putting your thinking in your own hands, an approachable and engaging visual thinking guide based on her 2013 TEDx Talk, Shape Your Thinking. Cultural analyst Patricia Martin calls The Idea Shapers, “A new alphabet for the visual age.”
Brandy teaches internationally, and her core online visual thinking course, The Agerbeck Method, brings together learners from 43 countries - so far. Find all of her resources at
Join Brandy at the online conference she is organizing on September 25-27, 2020.
More information to be found here - ENVISION Visual Thinkers Virtual Expo
This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp online course. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession.
With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness.
Find more information at
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