Red Sox Podcast
The most comprehensive Red Sox discussion, from the minor leagues up to Fenway, on the web.

It's mid-August and the high-energy anticipation and examination of the draft, trade deadline, and signing deadline are all behind us! Chris and Ian got on the horn for our first Checking Levels that includes the complexes. Who is performing? Who is disappointing? The guys looked at both as well as how the weather might be the biggest story at the complexes so far - and what that tells us about a post-realignment world. Plus, we examine the status of Jarren Duran and Tanner Houck in Boston, more promotions, whether the system is improving as much as Baseball America says it is, and of course, your emails!

We want to thank The Ludlow Thieves for our intro/outro song, All the Money. Check them out on YouTube and Spotify.

Got something to say? We love talking about what you want to hear about. Make sure to email us.
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Direct download: SPPod_222.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10pm EDT