Uncommon Sense
The Podcast of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, where we talk about everything under the sun with a Chestertonian perspective, as well as the writings and legacy of G.K. Chesterton himself. The podcast is hosted by Grettelyn Darkey and Joe Grabowski. Want to give us feedback? Email podcast@chesterton.org.

Get in iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/catholic-connection/id316248218?mt=2

Dave Palmer is guest host for Theresa Tomeo.

Dale Ahlquist is interviewed on Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio on 10/19/12 talking about his new book The Complete Thinker, and what it means to be a complete thinker, and how G.K. Chesterton had that kind of mind.


Direct download: Dale_Ahlquist_Complete_Thinker_10_19_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm EST